Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Pop star Vs Rock star

Udah malem... udah pukul 24:25... tapi aku belum bisa tidur... biasalah... penyakit begadang kambuh lagi kayaknya...
kali ini bener2 mikirin sesuatu... *serius nih* MySpace aku nggak mengada - ada... sungguh pemikiran yang rumit sampai mengalahkan pancaran sinar alfa, beta, dan gama untuk memancarkan elektron... *loh... kok?!?*
huhuhu... kembali santai...MySpace
*okelah kalau begitu...* saat aku gundah seperti ini, aku selalu memikirkan sesuatu yang bisa buat hatiku senang dan membuatku tertawa ceria berbunga - bunga *lebay...*
ya begitulah pemikiranku... selalu berusaha bangkit sendiri dari keterpurukan yang merasuk, menghibur kalbu yang suram, dan menenangkan sel otak agar tidak memancarkan sengatan2 listrik yang membuat otak jadi korsleting... *dung.. deng... jlederr...* MySpace
saat ini... aku sedang mengingat masa - masa di SMA... aku ingat saat drama IEC bersama *efrin, *bhayu, *aldhy, *Huda, *yayan judulnya sih *POP STAR VS ROCK STAR*
dramanya uanehh bangeett... lucu ajha gitu...

Bhayu jadi POP Star

Yayan jadi polisi

Efrin jadi penggemar pop

Huda jadi reporter dan host

Aldhy jadi Rock Star

Aku jadi Ibunya Efrin

ini nih cuplikan dialognya....


After school, Efrin was running in her house. Meanwhile her mother was sweeping the floor. But suddenly…

Mother : What’s going on? Why do you running in the house?

Efrin : Sorry mom... I’m in rush. Sorry… (going away)

Mother : But… Wait! (pulling her bag). Change your uniform first and you haven’t had your lunch, have you? Have your lunch then!

Efrin : Ah… Let me do it later, mom… I want to watch TV right now. I want to see my favorite singer sing.

Then she is looking for a TV remote….

Efrin : Oh… where is the remote? Ah…. This is it. (Sit down and turn on the TV)

Reporter : Well viewer… This afternoon we will watch a duel between our pop star and rock star! For the first, we will watch our pop star, David Bhayuleta!

Bhayu sing a song entitled….

Pop star : Thank you so much for all my fans… If you wanting me to win this contest, you have to vote me… so don’t forget to vote me… send messages to 12345 type DUEL pop star. I love you all….

Reporter : Okay… now we will watch our rock star performance, Aldhy!

Aldhy sing a song entitled….

Rock star : Thank you! Don’t forget to vote me, type DUEL rock star send it to 12345

Reporter : Okay viewer… after this commercial break, we’ll be back…

Suddenly, mother turn the TV off and pull Efrin’s ears.

Mother : Efrin.. don’t watch the TV too much!

Efrin : Aw… mom… there was my favorite singer, mom… I have to send some messages to vote him.

Mother : Oh… Dear, I’m not holding you back. But lately your mark is disappointing just because you like him so much. I think it’s better if you do your task and study now…

Efrin : ahhhh…. (leaving)

After her mother go away, Efrin go back to watch the TV again. She is whispering…

Efrin : Yes! Yes! This is my chance to watch the TV… hehehe…

Reporter : Now we’ll see who’s the winner of the contest, the star of the year! And the winner is….. Indonesia says…. David Bhayuleta, our pop star! He got 50,03% and we can see that Aldhy got 49,97%

Efrin cheers very happy… but suddenly…

Rock star : That was not fair! We just have few difference. There must be a trouble. This program is not credible!

Pop star : That’s it! You don’t have to shout like that! You are a looser. Just swallow it! And remember, I’m better than you!

Rock star : What did you say?!? How brave you! (hitting Bhayu)

Policeman : Stop it! Freeze, Don’t move! (separating and binding Aldhy’s hand). You are a rock star, don’t you feel shy to be seen by your fans?

Rock star : Rock is never die! Huu yeee… (Rocky)

Policeman : Do you want to still exist in the TV? Okay… Let’s finish it in law court!

After saving Aldhy, the policeman take Bhayu to the hospital. After that, reporter hurried interviewing the policeman.

Reporter : What will happen with his case next, sir?

Policeman : Next, this case will be taken into law way. Because Mr. Bhayuaji doesn’t accept what Mr. Akbar has done to him.

Suddenly, mother turn the TV off and angry with Efrin again.

Mother : Efrin, how many times I said to you? Don’t become his crazy fans again! You marks were bad, you see? It’s all because you watch TV too much.

Efrin : Ahh… mommy… it was very interesting. There was a fighting part too… hehehe…

Mother : Dear, that was a bad sample. Don’t try that at home. Now do your task!

Efrin : Okay mom… (goes to her room)


Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Stand up for love???

Aduuhhh... bingung mau ngomong apo?!?!? nggak tahu nih... akhir - akhir ini aku merasa sepi, gundah, bingung, dan sebagainya....
Terus... penyakit begadangku kumat lagi beberapa hari ini... *Aneh banget kan?!? tapi gapapa sih... ada bola juga... hehehehe...*
Kalo beberapa waktu lalu sih aku begadang karena ada *someone* yang lagi lewat *lewat doank lho tapi* di pikiran dan benakku... ceilehh... *ah! lupakan! dong! dong! dong!*
Hmmm... sekarang sih begadang jadi asyik karena nonton bola... Hehehe... semalam aku liat petandingan Spanyol Vs Honduras... yay! setelah mengecewakan aku karena kalah 0-1 dengan swiss, akhirnya spanyol menang 2-0 dari Honduras! *Tapi kok kayaknya nggak terlalu seneng ya pelatihnya... Aneh!*
Loh kok jadi ngelantur ke bola sih?!?!?!?!?
Hmm... tapi kenapa ya walaupun seneng liat bola, aku masih kepikiran sesuatu...
Malahan nggak aku sadari aku jadi seneng sama lagu - lagu lamaku dulu... Yaa... terutama lagunya "Destiny child" yang stand up for love. ini nih liriknya....
Apa mungkin aku keinget ma *someone* lagi ya?!?!? *tuing... tuing...*
Ah... nggak mungkin!
Aku ajha belum tahu pasti arti nih lagu... tapi kalo menurutku sih intinya bagus... tentang pengorbanan cinta... ceilah...


There are times I find it's hard to sleep at night
We are living through such troubled times
And every child that reaches out for someone to hold
For one moment they become my own

And how can I pretend that I don't know
what's going on?
When every second, and every minute another soul is gone?
And I believe
that in my life I will see
an end to hopelessness,
of giving up,
of suffering

If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up and hear me sing
Stand Up for love.

Im inspired and hopeful each and everyday
thats how I know that things are gonna change.

So how can I pretend that I don't know
what's going on? When every second of every minute another soul is gone

And I believe that in my life I will see
An end to hopelessness,
of giving up,
of suffering

If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up for love

And it all starts right here
And starts right now
One person stands up and the rest will follow
For all the forgotten, for all the unloved
I'm gonna sing this song

And I believe
that in my life I will see
an end to hopelessness,
of giving up,
of suffering

If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up and sing, yea!
Stand up for love
for love

So sweet banget....
Love you all my family and my friends....

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

UPAC (United Pupil of Accelerated Class)

Duhh... Liburan selama ini....?!?!?!?
kalo aku hitung - hitung.... 1... 2... 3... *lebay* MySpace udah Satu bulan lebih liburan... *hiks.. hiks... bosan* MySpace
Hmmm... jadi ingat masa - masa SMA yang "ANEH" dan hanya terjadi satu kali dalam hidupku... Aku masih ingat waktu kita tour ke Jakarta.... seru banget saat itu.... jiaahhh... walaupun hanya ke Dufan, Ancol, Museum IPTEK, dan Plaza Indonesia *yang super murah "tapi untuk mami doang"MySpace
Hmm... foto - fotonya masih aku simpan kok teman - teman... foto - foto kegilaan kita... hihihi... malah ini aku jadiin video... lucu low... lagunya sih pake lagunya david archuleta *kesukaanku.. hihihi*
coba dilihat ya....
tapi sayangnya mengunggah video lama banget dan nggak selesai2... jadi foto2nya ajha ya...

kangen rasanya masa - masa itu... rekor! 24jam di dalam bus! jam 10 malem di Jakarta, jam 10 malemnya lagi nyampe Tuban, besoknya pada KO semua dan gak masuk sekolah... *hihihi... termasuk aku...*
by the way.... makasih buat teman - teman aksel... *bhayu, *wanda, *tiara, *doni, *yayan, *efrin, *aga, *frury, *risma, *indah, *huda, *aldhy, *zulfi, *nova, *pipit, *sischa, *yuda
eits... hampir lupa... buat teman - teman IPA 6 dan IPA 7 juga makasih... hehehehe... Tour yang tak terlupakan...MySpace

Buah Apel

Sebenernya sih aku dapat artikel ini udah lama... (sejak SD kaleee... hihi...). Tapi baru terpikir olehku untuk menulisnya di blog... *Yaa maklumlah... blogger pemula... hehehe... *lagian artikel ini juga udah lama hilang (jawa : ketlingsut)

Artikel ini mengisahkan tentang "Apel"
mungkin para pembaca juga udah pernah tahu sih... Tapi tetap baca ajha deh... nggak usah banyak tanya...!!! *nada ancaman... hihihi... sok-sokan...


Apel adalah tanaman asli Eropa dan Asia Tenggara, berbentuk seperti bola dengan permukaan licin dan mengkilat, serta dagingnya yang sangat tebal dan harum dengan rasa sedikit manis. *Artikelnya ngacoo... Ada juga low apel yang rasanya sangat manis... hohoho...

Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Asam Klorogenik, dan Kulitnya mengandung Pektin *tuing... tuing... zat apa'an ya tuh?!?!?!?! *mbah google... help us...

Menghasilkan air liur *Oh ya?, membantu cara kerja limpa *sip!, mencegah diare dan sembelit *AHA!, menyembuhkan batuk *masa sih?!?, mengurangi muntah - muntah pada wanita hamil, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi *wow! amazing!, membantu penyembuhan kanker *cool..., menurunkan kolesterol dan diabetes *wew!, membunuh virus *kok bisa?, meringankan infeksi saluran pernafasan *great!.
*Terlalu banyak komentar nih! hihihi...

Cara pengolahan
Wah.... Ada banyak cara pengolahan apel... *kalo aku sih biasanya di jus! hihihi...
Hmmm.... kalo sepengetahuanku, apel bisa dimakan begitu saja *tapi harus dicuci dulu low...
Terus... katanya "apel" juga enak digoreng *rasanya gimana ya??? penasaran..., bisa dijadikan topping kue, dan juga dioven dengan dicampur caramel dan bumbu rempah - rempah. untuk cara pengolahan lebih lanjut klik di http://www.sedap-sekejap.com/artikel/2000/edisi7/files/ulas.htm

Oke deh... akhirnya artikel ini ke posting juga... hihihi...

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Greyson Chance?!?!?!?!?

waduuwhhh.... sekarang kayaknya bakalan punya idola baru nihhh... hihihi...MySpace
hmmm.... gini nih ceritanya....
kemaren minggu, aku nggak sengaja chatting ma temenku "yuuram shibuya",, aku crita... "ehhh... boring banget ta... jadi pengangguran mulu".... emang bener sihh... dari lubuk hati yang terdalam... hiks.. hiks... MySpace *abisnya liburan kelamaan seehh....
terus.. terus... temenku itu... ngobrol-ngobrol masalah justin bieber ma greyson chance gitu.... yaaa... dibanding - bandingkan gitu lah...
dan ternyata... emang bener.... lebih bagus greyson chance... *siippp deh ta...MySpace
yuuhuuu.... kata temenku "Greyson chance ituhh umurnya baru 12th tpi suaranya kyak 20th" wuiisss... langsung terheran - heran diriku.... langsung aja aku search di mbah google ... weiittsss.... tapi kok nggak ada ya?!?!?!? tuing... tuing...
duhhh... jadi bingung akuu... itu greyson chance tokoh fiktif apa beneran sih??? ya.. maklum ajha temenku itu sukanya ma anime2 gitu deh...
terus,,, aku tanya deh kelanjutannya, eeee.... ternyata aku dikasih link ke youtube... yaaa... coba deh aku buka.... ternyata..... wow!!!! permainan pianonya greyson... hebaaatttt....
ini nih videonya.... wow!!!!

Tuban, 26 April 2010

There's nothing to do! I'm so confused with him. He just sending me a message. I hope he always love me. But actually I doubt it! I doubt about his love to me. There's no reason but my feeling tell me like that. It was very unbelievable when I accepted his love. I never think about it before. But when I thought again, I realized that he really loves me. Everytime I just thought about it. When I remembered him, I always can smile. His affection to me have made my heart melted.

It was my amazing experience. I realized that there is someone who deserves to get my love. so I gave my affection to him. But sometimes I thought that I have made a mistake.
I don't know he really loves me or not!
He never prove it to me! he makes me crazy! I can't sleep all day and night!
He always on my mind!

Now, there's nothing to do! I'm so confused when he didn't reply my messages. and the fact, he is not on my side when I need someone to support and protect me! I'm so dissapointed!